Power Chief Controls Logo


Our Experience

Established in 2012, PCC provides quality, responsive support to our customers.

With over 40 years of gas turbine experience and more than 25 years of experience on Siemens equipment, worldwide.

Control System support for the Power Industry

Offering experienced hands-on engineering, commissioning, and troubleshooting services for the energy and power industries. Our customers can rely on us to improve operational and system performance.

Agility: Quick response and mobilization in a complex, fast-paced, competitive business environment.

Innovation: Customized solutions tailored to your requirements.

Profitability: Cost-effective, flexible programs to suit your business needs.

Experience: Highly experienced, OEM-trained.

Smoke billowing from Power Plant

More About Us

At Power Chief Controls, we have over 30 years of experience in the power industry. We have considerable knowledge in what plants require to perform at peak capacity and what owners need and expect out of our services. At Power Chief Controls, we understand that speed and agility play a major role in any business, especially a power plant. As such, we make sure to offer quick response and mobilization.

We assist you and your plants availability, reliability and profitability The power industry is a complex, fast-paced and competitive business environment, and we want to help you work optimally and efficiently.

We understand that not all plants or operations are the same; therefore, we make sure to offer customized solutions to our clients. We assess each plant and its requirements before offering a personalized service that takes into consideration every possible angle.